Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Trade policy

Trade policy is a guideline of rules which falls on every form of trade all over the world. Every nation has his own form of trade policy. The policy exists to create a better international trade. Things like taxes, regulations, tariffs and other forms of trade costs are part of the trade policy. Every nation is free to chose his position in the international trade. The safety aspect in different countries can be a barrier to trade because of the policy, that’s why there exists a trade agreement. This agreement makes it much easier to trade because it’s adapted to the situation. This creates a better contact and a better form of trade.


I think it’s good that there exists a trade policy because otherwise the international trade would be too chaotic. Weaker economic countries could suffer a lot if there weren’t rules on trade. These policies keep a certain balance in the economy of all the nations. I prefer an open trade system in the world, because I think globalization is a very good way to create employment in the world and good relations between the different nations. But countries may chose themselves if they are protectionist or non-protectionist. When countries trade between each other it’s very important to make some agreements. Otherwise there would be a lot of countries who suffer because of their policies, on for example tariffs. I also think it’s necessary to reform these policies on an easy way because the world economy is constantly changing and evolving. A country must have the opportunity to trade on a very honest way.

Nico Cossyns

1 comment:

  1. I partially agree with Nico. We should have trade systems between all the countries in the world.

    But these systems should be safeguarded by an international system which has the power to penalise countries who aren't following the international trade rules. At this moment we have got a ssytem like this, but it lacks power to reprimand countries. So on this, I agree with Nico.

    But I have a serious issue with the fact that you say "But countries may chose themselves if they are protectionist or non-protectionist". I don't think countries can choose this themselves. Lets take China as an example: they have chosen to protect their own economy, but at the same time they destroy the open european economy by submerging it with cheap products.

    You also say that "A country must have the opportunity to trade on a very honest way". But how will they get this opportunity? Countries with a lot of natural ressources (Arabic countries) have the power to set trade rules against a country like the U.S., but which power does an African country with no natural ressources has?


    So we need a solution...
