Sunday 2 May 2010

Trade - the movie ( trailer )


This film “trade” is a German film and a cooperation between Roland Emmerich and Rosilyn Heller. Roland Emmerich is widely known as a director and producer of films like : Independence Day , Godzilla , The Day After Tomorrow , 10000 BC and 2012.

It all starts when a 13-year-old young girl is kidnapped in Mexico-City by Russian thugs. Together with other girls she’ll be transported into the United States. But her 17-year-old brother tries to save here by setting up a desperate mission. This mission leads him straight into a network of trading human cargo, here he hopes to free his sister with the help of a cop.

Can he really save her or is it just too late ?

Personal opinion

I saw a large part of this movie in my lessons Spanish in my secondary school and for me this was an example how trade is used in a negative way. Although this film isn’t based on a true story, it can be a true story because these sad stories happen all the time, everywhere in the world.

It’s a sad story but it reminds everybody how trade can be used at a negative way and it also opens your eyes and gives you a look how criminal organisations work. In this film this criminal organisation are Russians but because globalisation and of course trade is worldwide spread it could be also different guys.

These organisation trade (little)girls for big money to let them work in the sex industry. If you see that they have already a network of corrupt cops, government workers, ... you need open your eyes and let everyone see that this is a problem that’ll never cure itself.

By Nicholas De Potter


  1. Trade has become very important in our world. In the past, people were happy with the things they had, but nowadays we want products from al over the world and thanks to trade this is possible. Trade also creates many jobs in the transport sector.

    Just as you, I'm very surprised that people can do such things. It's really unacceptable and for my part, these gangsters may be in prison for the rest of their lifes. I think the pain is unbearable to know that your child has been kidnapped and abused by gangsters.
    This isn't only a problem in America but in all countries and the most annoying thing is that these gangsters earn a lot of money.

  2. This 'trade' already exist for many decades. But when Romans where plundering houses and imported slaves to let them fight till death nobody cried, instead they were afraid. And what about the black people, who lived in slavery for such a long time? The only difference here is that it was provoked by leaders.

    I think that it's impossible to stop this. There will always be people whith crazy and wrong thoughts who like to supress and humiliate others, as long as they get their cash.

    Of course it's really sad that this still happens, but I think, as long as we (humanity)exist, this is problem which could't be solved.

    But like kjell, yeah, I would also lock them up for the rest of their lives!
