Thank you!!!
Jeffrey Bogaert,
Nico Cossyns,
Julie Deaulmerie,
Nicholas De Potter,
David De Vos,
Simon Verduyn.
This film “trade” is a German film and a cooperation between Roland Emmerich and Rosilyn Heller. Roland Emmerich is widely known as a director and producer of films like : Independence Day , Godzilla , The Day After Tomorrow , 10000 BC and 2012.
It all starts when a 13-year-old young girl is kidnapped in Mexico-City by Russian thugs. Together with other girls she’ll be transported into the United States. But her 17-year-old brother tries to save here by setting up a desperate mission. This mission leads him straight into a network of trading human cargo, here he hopes to free his sister with the help of a cop.
Can he really save her or is it just too late ?
Personal opinion
I saw a large part of this movie in my lessons Spanish in my secondary school and for me this was an example how trade is used in a negative way. Although this film isn’t based on a true story, it can be a true story because these sad stories happen all the time, everywhere in the world.
It’s a sad story but it reminds everybody how trade can be used at a negative way and it also opens your eyes and gives you a look how criminal organisations work. In this film this criminal organisation are Russians but because globalisation and of course trade is worldwide spread it could be also different guys.
These organisation trade (little)girls for big money to let them work in the sex industry. If you see that they have already a network of corrupt cops, government workers, ... you need open your eyes and let everyone see that this is a problem that’ll never cure itself.
By Nicholas De Potter
“You are all the house, you’re the bookie. Clients are booking their bets with you. I don’t know why we need to dress it up. It’s a bet.” This is what Senator Claire McCaskill proclaimed at the hearings with Goldman Sachs’ senior executives. Casino capitalism came to life after the recent financial crisis; investment bankers are able to go short, as well as long, on the same investment – meaning that the bank can bet against their clients’ investments. Isn’t there fraud or at least misinterpretation involved in these transactions?
With tougher legislation and some serious financial reform, people who are guilty could actually be sent to jail. There is no social value in having large banks – and do not tell yourself that they can guarantee anything because they’re big. It’s been proven that even big banks can fail – look at the comparison of Greece and Lehman Brothers, right now. Europe and the United States are so intertwined with trade and investments that a collapse of the Greek economy would affect not only the EU, but the US as well.
If traders take unacceptable risks and do it from our banks they need to suffer the consequences when their deals go south. More laissez-faire, tougher legislation and a drastic financial reform - that’s what our economy needs right now.
It’s clear by now that the financial crisis was man-made, not just some weird coincidental series of events. It’s the constant gambling and the insationable greed of some Wall Street bankers that made the system what it is today; making those tower-high bonuses at any cost. In what world are we living if even ‘guaranteed capital’ funds aren’t credible anymore (look at Iceland’s Kaupthing Bank). And this is a minor aspect of everything that’s wrong, the real problems occur in the (business) world;
The Federal Reserve constantly keeps injecting the American system with fresh cash (which doesn’t exist in the first place). The States have lost so much financial credibility all around the world and foreigners wonder why they’d still invest in the States when there are better alternatives like China. And these practices will only keep repeating themselves if no decent regulations are put in place. We all know by now that Wall Street does not have to moral fortitude to do it themselves.
There hardly are any forms of sustainable investment left in the States, the banks that used to be the icons for the American system are now but mere shades of their former glory. The people who initially had nothing to do with the crisis were the ones who suffered the consequences (evictions, …) and no longer have faith in the American economy, nor the political systems. The American citizens have lost confidence in Washington, because they did not act when it was needed, and because they are still sitting around – not fixing anything.
Simon Verduyn
Fair Trade is an exchange system that offers fair wages in local context. It’s trading with respect for cultural identity. It creates direct and long-term relations because Fair Trade makes sure businesses come together. Fair Trade is more than coffee it’s also clothing, jewelry, … It makes sure the prices are not expensive but competitive. They build schools for better education, hospitals for better healthcare and so much more with their profits!
I think it’s very important Fair Trade exists! Smaller communities and poorer countries also get a bit of support with this kind of trade! It’s good that those people get a chance to work and to earn money. The products they create are very basic, but very necessary in our world!
They say the prices are not expensive but competitive. I think products produced by Fair Trade are more expensive than other products! I know it’s very difficult to compete with the big manufacturers but it would be better for the “organization” if the prices would be a little cheaper. Maybe this would be possible if they would get more aid from the government.
It’s very interesting to know they make the difference by building schools and hospitals to improve the living conditions of that certain place. But I think that they would make more profit if they would promote their organization better than they do nowadays. I think everyone knows that Fair Trade exists, but I don’t think most people know what they do with their profits! It’s very important to know what Fair Trade is and it’s good that there are people who promote it by different and simple ways, for example YouTube in this case!
By Nico CossynsIn this article Stephan Spencer is such a third party. They interviewed him about his new company , of which the main goal is to transform all kinds of websites and platforms into mobile optimized pages. He explains how such a transformation works and if any platform or website is capable to undergo such a drastic transformation.
Personal opinion
I think this is a natural reaction in this period. Everyone is feeling the crisis and everyone wants to be safe. The first one they save is themselves, this is a reaction everyone would have. You could compare it to other situations for example a fire. Most of the people will look how to save themselves and if there’s an opportunity they would safe someone else.
The thing is if you do something to another the chance is big that that person will do the same to you. And this is the action-reaction we can see in this situation. It’s an action of vengeance. The thing is that mostly actions of revenge are not the actions that will help a lot! And this is also the thing we can see in this case. First it will help yourself a little, but if you look in long-term you will realize that it wasn’t the best thing to do.
I think the major nations would better sit around the table and think how to solve this problem on a diplomatic an solidaristic way. If the trade barriers are too expensive it will lead to hostility and the crisis will extend. We are in a period that we have to think in an international way. If you want to read the article that I’m talking about, you can visit following site:
Nico Cossyns